So this website is only two years old and it's getting 264 thousand visitors from us Google alone so let's do a quick calculation here two hundred and sixty-four thousand who have two multiplied by two to get the real representation from all traffic all over the world and that means they're getting five hundred and twenty-eight thousand monthly visitors if we multiply that by four cents per visitor that's twenty-one thousand dollars a month as potential revenue for this website in this video I'm going to show you the best niche for blogging in 2020 in my opinion if I was starting a blog in 2020 this is probably the niche that I would go for.
In today's video, we're going to be running through what I think is probably the best or what of the best niches to start a blog in 2020 I know a lot of you watching this video thinking of starting your own blog but you're probably not sure exactly which niche is a good niche for you to start your niche website in and I want to bring you this niche I'm really excited about it it's the fishkeeping niche Icover various niches on my channel pretty regularly and I have been looking time and time again at this particular niche it is very easy to get traffic to init is easy to get content in it is a profitable niche and not many people have got blogs in this niche so I'm going to show you multiple examples of successful websites in this niche that are doing extremely well and the first website that I just want to introduce you to is this one here called fishkeeping world.
So first of all let's just take a look through the website and understand how they make money that I'm gonna take you through the stats the keywords so basically you can pick this up and start implementing and start building your own website in this niche as well so this is what the landing page or fishkeeping WorldCom looks like and you can see that they've got various sections at the top about freshwater fish saltwater fish fish and breeding aquarium and then there are by different types of fish as well so let's talk a little bit about how this blog actually makes money if you click on any of these posts for example this one here how long do snails sleep so people will discover these posts through Google most likely I'm going to show you all the keywords but you will notice that if I open this and I scroll through then there is an ad here in the right-hand side in the right sidebar there is also an ad at the bottom and there are ads throughout this article or at the end of the article.
So here there is an ad here as well so whenever somebody is reading one of these postsmany people will actually end up clicking on these ads and the owner ofthis website will make money I would guess that this is probably how theymake the majority of their money through these ads appearing in their postsbecause they get a lot of traffic I'm going to show you some stats in just amoment but they also sell their own books if I click here on book there isactually a book that you can buy for twenty dollars and I'm guessing thatsome of the visitors that like the content would be buying that book aswell because they will want to learn how to care for their fish and this is aniche where people are passionate and people spend money but this is also aniche that is not overcrowded because not many people out there have thoughtof this niche I mean you personally when you're researching this niche did youever think of the aquarium and fish keeping niche probably not much my betis that you have not and that's how it is for most bloggers most bloggers havenot thought of this niche but that's why there is actually very very little competition and there are very few blogs that are trying to rank for various keywords there for keyword difficulties are very low and it's easy to gettraffic there is also of course opportunity for you to insert affiliatelinks and promote various products for a commission there are lots of affiliate programs on various platforms that deal with fish food so fish food is anobvious one and you can insert a fee that links to fish food from certainposts where it makes sense or perhaps to in some posts which deal with the setup of the aquarium you can also recommend to buy aquariums from particular place online there are lots of affiliate programs that do that so to show you an example of that here is another blog in this niche it'sfishkeeping advice calm and under their equipment category we can see there is apost about air pumps and you can see that here they've also got ads from media mind and however they also have links so see here there is their recommending a particular air pump and if somebody looks at it and they want tobuy it on the on amazon this is an affiliate link so whenever somebodyclicks on it and it opens up the Amazon store if they end up buying anything from Amazon after clicking on this link the owner of this website will end upmaking a commission.
Now the good thing of course about Amazon is if I'm readingif I'm on this website I'll click on Amazon maybe I'll buy this pump but Ialso end up buying a flat-screen TV for $1,000 the owner of this website willactually make money on both purchases on the flat-screen TV as well as on the airpumps so this is something to keep in mind even though this is not a veryexpensive product and the Commission probably for this person at 1 or 2%would only be like 10 cents or so many times people end up buying tons morethings from Amazon so that's why Amazon affiliate program is actually reallyreally good to promote on your websites so let's talk about traffic now thiswebsite fishkeeping world as I showed at the very very start of this videoaccording to 8 reps the stats here are telling us that they're getting 264thousand visitors per month that is from us Google if you multiply this ingeneral I find that this figure is actually too low on my own websites it'sH reps kind of guesses it but it's two to three times lower than the realamount of traffic that my website gives so in my experience look it's just anapproximation but it's pretty safe to kind of say that they probably get twohundred and sixty four thousand multiplied by about two so about fivehundred and twenty-eight thousand visitors per month and ads in this nicheif you once you go over a particular threshold and you're able to sign upwith media mine who require twenty five thousand sessions per monthokay that's why this website for example here that we were looking atthey have media buy an ad see so they got approve media mind so they'regetting over 25,000 sessions per month.
So in general media buying for this kindof niche it's not unusual to get three to four cents per visitor okay so that'sthirty to forty dollars revenue per thousand visitors or rpm as they call itso to multiply that by four cents you can see that that gives a potentialmonthly revenue of twenty one thousand dollars to the owner of fishkeepingworld it could be a little bit less it could be a little bit more it's alwaysguess we're guys but it's you know it's it's a it's a fairly sort ofconservative assessment of the potential of traffic that these website actuallygets another cool thing look at this so they only started this website inJanuary 2019 so it has been only just over two years and they now have abusiness that passively generates twenty thousand dollars a month so if theystopped if they never published another article it will continue during twenty thousand dollars a month if they go on holidays it will continue during twentythousand dollars a month and that's just from ad revenue there is opportunity toinsert affiliate links there is opportunity to sell that book you knowonce you've got the traffic you can really really do anything with thattraffic I found some other websites in this niche as well analyze them there'sanother one here called aquarium advisor and this one is getting ninety fourpoint three thousand monthly or getting traffic according to aircrafts that'sbeen around for about three years once again you know it's it's very verydoable for anyone to get in there and get results like that as well there isanother website that's been running for about four years they're getting thirteen thousand but they just don't have a lot of content
So that's the main reason why they're not getting a lot of traffic there's another website again they just don't have a lot of content they've been around for a really long time they're getting twelve thousand visitors per month and this website is new and they kind of ramped up their efforts you know around two years ago before that it was just not much what's happening there but they're also getting quite a lot of traffic fifty two point two thousand visitors but look itis it is absolutely possible for anyone to get in and set up a website and starts getting some pretty good results fairly quickly and I'll show you exactly how to let's talk about keywords for a second if we look at fishkeeping world once again and let's just click here on organic keywords so they're currently ranked in four hundred and seventy-six thousand organic keywords now you can see these are all of the different.
keywords now something I want to draw your attention to if you've watched myother videos you'll see that oftentimes when I do this kind of reverse analysison websites we end up with pages and pages of keywords with difficulty of 2030 40 etc which is quite hard for new websites without a lot of authority tocompete in all right but here the best keywords for fishkeeping world look atthe keyword difficulty for them four four one five three anything under sevenseven or less is reasonably easy for a beginner website to start ranking in sothere are tons of keywords with just crazy low difficulties one three sevenfour etc okay and if we if we now limit this to keyword difficulty of let's sayjust five which is very low look how many keywords will be left 75,000keywords with extremely low keyword difficulties you can publish an articletoday on can fish drown or publish an article about ocean puns or publish anarticle about funny fish names publish an article about ambit Tetra fish okayand you will have an amazing chance of ranking of page one as long as yourcontent is high quality if we drop this sir button down let's just take a lookat what kind of sites are actually currently ranking here on page one forember tetra alright we can see the strength of these websites if we look ata are anything over 1 million is a weak website and we can see here that forsites so this one here I are 7.6 million it means that in the ranking of all ofthe websites in the world from number one being the best the strongest sideand number 150 million being the weakest thisone is number seven point six minutes it's at the almost the very bottom ofthe food chain of websites so to speak it's seven point six and if we look atthis D our domain rank it's 22 there is another one seven million andtwenty-three nine point eight million and eighteen okay so and then there isanother one with one point five so these websites are managing to rank for embertetra even though they're very very weak websites without a lot of authoritywithout a lot of backlinks
So if you start a similar website today you willbe able to very quickly get on to the page one as well if we're looking alittle bit more detail at this website here aquarium sauce that's ranking it'sa weak website all right it's managing to rank a cream sauce that article lookat it it's got zero backlinks so this is the backlinks and domains this articlehas got zero backlinks and this is the article that they've written I mean thisis this is a hobby blog this is not in a multi-million dollar corporation thathas created this blog this is a fairly basic blog that's been started by justhobby bloggers like you and me you know who just wanted to make money and theyfound this niche and if you I've investigated this website a little bityou can do it in your own time I know that this is not a cooperation of anysort so it just goes you once again to show you that it is possible for anyoneto get into this niche you don't need you know some massive budget you justneed to select the keywords that you want to rank for there are plenty ofkeywords with you difficulty zero I mean this is insane if we look at crown tailbetter this one here three thousand six hundred searches a month and keyworddifficulty zero look at this keyword forty gallon breeder tank six thousandthree hundred searches per month keyword difficulty zero if we look at the Serbshere search engine result pages look at the kind of domains that are rankinghere we've got a domain with 79 million and 26 million 79 million if you start awebsite today your domain will basically have strength of about 79 million or soall right it's got domain rank 0 and it is ranking for this keyword with sixthousand three hundred search for I mean this is mind-blowing I have not seenkeywords with such low difficulty anywhere else in any other niches I havelooked at okay so hopefully by now I have shown you the crazy huge potentialof this niche and now what I want to walk you through is how to actuallycreate the content so if you wanted to create a content about ember tetra 101then what would you actually do well for that you don't require anythingcrazy all you need to do is just find out what other sites have written
so you would Google M potential 101 and you would look at the content published on other sites and you would rewrite it in your own words all right so you would structure at the exactly the same way like for example you might borrow some bits of information from here some bits of information from other blogs on this. niche and just talk about you know rename your subheadings empathy treesummary potential lifespan appearance and then borrow some other sub subparagraphs from other blog posts now if you wondering where to get these imagesthere are a few different ways to get them so the first way is to use GoogleImages so here's what to do you need to type in amber tetra and then go intoimages do not copy these images from here do not just blindly copy theseimages and you need to choose settings and you need to go into advanced searchand you need to choose where it's got usage rights you need to choose free touse share or modify even commercially and then click advanced search now thiswill give you the the images that you can actually download and that you can reuse so you can see now here that we've actually got the city's image thataquarium source used well guess what it's the exact same image and theyprobably got it from this exact same place okay if we keep scrolling see this image here they've got it from the same place how crazy is that this is from commons dot wikimedia dog alright so if you open this up that will basicallyexplain to you so we can media comments this is Creative Commons so this meansthat you can use this image on your blog
without crediting anybody if you open this on Flickr with Flickr you've got to becareful and you've got to read the license so it says here some rightsreserved so you just need to make sure that you actually look at this and makesure that this license allows you to use it but this is one way for you to findsome pretty cool images that you can use for free just like that and I amguessing that this is exactly what this blog has done and as you can see they'regetting traffic they're very successful they've just used these free images thisexact same images exact same images as what I'm showing you here another imagesource is all the images that i've got on there are free for youto use you don't need to credit anybody for usage of those images so they don'thave all of the images all right so I'm just I've searched for Tetra fish andyou can see here that I've got some images there's not a lot but there iskind of like there were a couple of images here that you can use but forsome other searches you will actually find qualified a lot of images so onceagain this is a very useful source so how do you actually make money from theblog now you know the niche to start you know how to research the keywords youknow how to create that content well your plan is to publish 20 to 30high-quality articles over the next one to two to three months you know thetimeframe is is flexible but you know up to two to three months for 20 to 30 blogposts is probably quite reasonable after that you should start seeing sometrickles of traffic coming in even if you do not build any backlinks afterthat you can start to promote your blog you don't need many backlinks because the keywords are so easy to rank for but just to give you a blog a bit of a boost you can build some high quality links.
I'm gonna put a link to the video below in the description so just check that out you can build 1 to 2 links a month that's all you need it won't take much time and you should see your traffic actually ramp up fairly quickly if you do follow it follow these steps so 20 to30 articles in the first two to three months then start building about one to two backlink per month that is all you need and continue publishing the content six to twelve-month mark you will see you traffic pick up dramatically that just how Google works don't quit your blog after one to two months if you see in our results that's the worst thing you can do because it takes Google some time to build up trust so how do you then get these ads after you start getting some traffic you need to apply for ads once you start getting about a hundred visitors a day which won't take long trust me you to apply for Google Adsense I'm also going to put a link to Google Adsense below in the description.
so just check that out see how that works once you hit twenty-five thousand visitors a month so about a thousand visitors a day that's when you can switch over to media by once again that does not take long at all to hit those thousand visitors a day and you can start showing media buying ads like this block here fish keeping advice they were proof media right they in a lot of niches they actually pay more than google Answers Google Adsense is pretty good but media mine might be paying more for this particular niche you can apply to media mine and you can test and see how your results are there you go this is the best niche for blogging in 2020
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